Simple Questions to Ask Yourself:
1 - Do You Want to be Healthy?
2 - Do you Want a Slim Figure?
3 - Do You Want to Be this Way All Year Long?
Introducing Healthy Slim 365 by Doctors Formula 365
A Revolutionary Doctor Formulated Supplement
That Works Naturally for Weight Reduction and
Weight Stabilization 365 days a year |
You Can Stop The Frustration of Gaining and Losing and Gaining and Losing Weight Over and Over and Over Again!!! |
You Can Drop The 5, 10, 15, or 20 Pounds You Don't Want |
You Can Flatten Your Belly, lose inches, and
You Can Get Into the Clothes That Make You Look Fantastic |
And even better, you can keep the weight off! |
"Healthy Slim 365 by Doctors Formula 365"
formulated to provide you with a way to...
Cravings |
Impulse Foods |
Overeating |
- Boost Your Energy |
- GLUTEN FREE Formula |
- Improve Digestion |
- Rid Your Body of Buildup of Undigested Substances |
- Reduce Your Bulging Belly |
Dr.Seymour Weaver
RE: Lose Weight and Feel GREAT! |
Dear Friend,
Seymour Weaver here, and let me get straight to the point.... More Than 60% of The US Population is Overweight but...
You don't have to be! Let's face the facts. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Over 60% of the U.S. population is considered overweight and that number continues to rise. ...Even worse, 72% of African American Men and 80% of African American Females are classified as obese.
Many factors contribute to this problem, including:
· Eating processed foods deficient in nutrients
· Genetic predisposition
· Hormonal changes due to aging
· Body transformations due to pregnancy and child bearing
· Sedentary lifestyles
· Putting yourself into situations that are just too stressful for your body to bear, including
overwork over-commitment to social activities, and trying to be a super parent to your
In many cases the only way you find relief is by taking a break to eat.
While you have to work and be a parent and do what it takes to survive and thrive, if your body weight is on the rise, you're at risk of being trapped in a negative cycle where the more you gain, the more work it takes to do EVERYTHING - and the more energy you have to use to just make it through the day.
And guess what? You end up more and more tired and fatigued and worn out. And because eating more food is the only thing that seems to make you feel better,
you've moved into a downward spiral, picking up a few more pounds here and there, until one day you can no longer fit into your favorite jeans.
Or tuck in your shirt around your waistline. Or wear that little black dress that used to lovingly drape your curves and now bunches embarrassingly over your bulges. Or find yourself shopping at a whole different rack at the store, because anything fitting from the old rack is nothing but a distant memory.
You ask yourself:
"What are those things sticking out where my waistline used to be?"
"Why can't that pouch hanging off my stomach just go back where it came from?"
Your body has changed in ways you never imagined you'd let happen. The person you now see in the mirror looks like a stranger. Not a happy feeling at all.
A Cautionary Tale: What Happens When You Try To Starve Yourself
You know you need to do something to change your weight, so you use your best willpower to starve yourself. And for a while, it works. You happily watch 5 pounds disappear - you can't wait to lose more. But then something happens: The kid has an earache; the dog has to go to the vet; you have to help a relative with an unexpected emergency; your bank calls to say your credit card has been racking up mysterious charges you had nothing to do with. Your best friend needs an emergency loan; your car needs a new engine.... And the hunger pains return with a vengeance. You decide you're going to need a real meal again to keep up your strength. It's a good impulse, but after all that starving, your body is scared this might be the last good meal for a while and sends you MASSIVE hunger impulses to shore up its reserves-FAT reserves-and before long the 5 pounds are back on your thighs along with 5 MORE pounds for good measure. This is the cycle repeats that itself over and over until you no longer recognize the body you inhabit.
Picture Yourself At The Weight You Want To Be!
What it would be like to have those unwanted pounds disappear? How about being able to avoid the overeating and the hunger triggered by stress? Wouldn't it be great to maintain your weight on a daily basis no matter what else is going on in your life? What if you got to shop for exactly the clothes you wanted without worrying about how they'll look on you?
(And dare we breathe the word bikini?)
It is possible. And I'm here to show you how to get there.
"Seymour M. Weaver III, M.D., has clearly earned his reputation as one of Houston's most respected cosmetic dermatologists and surgeons, providing many breakthrough treatments and educating patients and other physicians alike."
- H Magazine |
Why Is Dr. Weaver Involved With Weight Loss?
I'm here to help you achieve the vision you have for yourself and your slimmer body.
I've built my practice as a cosmetic dermatologist and surgeon on nearly three decades of rigorous research and investigation. During that time, I've been privileged to help people with everything from life-threatening skin issues to reaching their body-shape goals. And truly,
I find my joy in helping people get to a better place in their lives.
During my career, I've authored many papers, been named a Texas "Super Doctor," and appeared on countless TV and radio shows as a health expert covering cosmetic dermatology, liposuction, and non-invasive body shaping procedures.
As a scientist, I know the value of investigation and evidence-based solutions. As a doctor, my mission is to serve as a resource for individuals to improve their self-confidence and body image with up-to-date image enhancement technology. For the last 12 years, I've utilized liposuction in my practice as a body shaping procedure. During that time, many people have come to me seeking surgical and non-surgical body shaping consultations. And unfortunately, many times I have had to turn them away individuals because they weren't appropriate candidates.
You see, they were too obese for my body shaping services to work. It broke my heart to send them away. But it also jump-started my search for a fat-loss solution that would work to get these patients to a place where I could work with them. Caveat #1: Even Getting Liposuction (and a great new look) Was Not Enough Motivation To Stop Eating!
Some of my patients who underwent surgical procedures to have fat removed and walked out of my office looking fabulous weren't able to keep that look for very long.
After a while, they fell off the wagon and didn't follow the proper diet and exercise routines I gave them. As you may guess, they went on to gain 10, 20, or even 30 pounds - and their new body shape became a thing of distant memory.
I don't have good news for these people when they turn back up in my office requesting a follow-up procedure. I tell them the truth: Without some way to maintain an ideal body weight, I'm not going to be able to do them much good at all.
And that's not a fun message to deliver.
I've often had no choice but to send overweight patients on to a physician who specializes in weight loss.
But even this referral is problematic. Many of the prescriptions given out by my colleagues contain stimulants that cause rapid heartbeats, blood pressure elevations, sleep disorders, and fatigue. Yes, the people taking these stimulants do lose weight, but they're also at risk of losing their health. Caveat #2: Don't Kid Yourself - Surgically Shrinking Your Stomach Is Still Not A Guarantee Against Weight Gain Undergoing the pain and radical change in eating habits associated with gastric bypass surgery or lap band procedures to lose more than 100 pounds is a risky proposition at best. The bad news is it doesn't always work. Even with their stomachs shrunk to the size of an orange, I've seen more than a few of these patients gain the weight back.
You might ask, "How is that possible?" Well, actually, it's a familiar story. Like so many others, they were unable to effectively control the urge to eat and to manage their appetites. The urge to eat can be so strong it can even overcome a drastic surgical reduction in stomach size.
Weight loss can be tough. But the good news is - IT IS POSSIBLE. If you are committed to a vision of reaching and maintaining your target weight and you want to be able to keep it off 365 days a year, taking it 1 day at a time, then I have a special revolutionary product to help you do so.
The long and short of it was, the options I had at my disposal as a licensed physician weren't cutting it in the least. So for years, I searched for a way to offer my patients a safe, effective weight-loss alternative to stimulants and surgery that would allow them to achieve their ideal weight and shape. Finally! A Breakthrough! Extensive Research Leads To Physician Formulation of A
Revolutionary Diet Pill With a Natural Appetite Suppressant The good news is my quest for a safe, effective way to get my patients off the dieting yo-yo eventually paid off.
I found a manufacturer who develops pharmaceutical grade natural supplements that are available to help people lose weight with no side effects. It was with YOU in mind that I partnered with a brilliant research scientist to create a supplement that could not only melt away the unwanted pounds, but to also prevent the dreadful cycle of yo-yo weight loss.
"Dr. Weaver, What's The Catch Here? Losing Weight Is Not Easy!"
Now, you know as well as I know that losing weight is hard and keeping it off is harder. So, no matter what the chemist and I come up with, you still have to do your part.
However, if you want to be committed to a vision of reaching and maintaining your target weight and you want to be able to keep it off for 365 days a year, focused on 1 day at a time, then I have a special revolutionary product to help you do so.
Healthy Slim 365 is a potent multi-component supplement composed of 6 primary ingredients designed to not only
help you lose weight and but also to keep you at your peak
health. Read on to see how each of these components helps you to lose weight and benefit your health.
Component 1: Caralluma Fimbriata is a natural appetite suppressant and fat metabolizer derived from a succulent cactus that grows in India. It not only suppresses appetite and prevents hunger but also increases metabolic activity. This increase causes fat cells to break down and shrink in size. The Caralluma present in Dr. W's Healthy Slim 365 is called
This is a high grade patented version of Carraluma Fimbriata that provides the purest, most effective extract available on the market.
A 2007 medical study concluded that people taking Caralluma extract experienced suppressed appetites and reduced waist circumferences compared to those taking a placebo.
An FDA report states: "During its entire history of use, over centuries, on the Indian subcontinent, not a single adverse event has been reported on Caralluma Fimbriata. ... The tribal community treats Caralluma Fimbriata as a food item for daily consumption. They believe that Caralluma is a unique herb which cures common health problems apart from its fantastic ability to suppress appetite and thirst." http://www.fda.gov/OHRMS/DOCKETS/dockets/95s0316/95s-0316-rpt0252-08-Exhibit-02-vol184.pdf
But don't worry about traveling to India to benefit from this amazing supplement.
Component 2: Green Tea Extract also increases your metabolism and burns fat. In addition, this extract has the ability to boost your energy, eliminating the fatigue that sometimes arises as your body gets used to a lower calorie diet.
Component 3: Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a probiotic - a beneficial bacterium - that balances your digestive tract to keep the digestive system in its most natural state for effective fat burning. You see, problems with your digestive system can significantly contribute to weight gain, especially in the midsection. By combining this probiotic with an appetite suppressant, this formulation ensures your digestive processes benefit - rather than detracts from - your weight loss.
Component 4: A proprietary Detox formulation cleanses the liver, stomach, colon, and digestive tract to head off malabsorption and the buildup of poorly digested foods that can stick around, clogging the intestinal tract and hugely contributing to weight gain. This formulation includes:
Dandelion Root Powder to cleanse the blood and liver and increase bile production and improve stomach function.
Burdock Root Powder to act as an antioxidant and aid in the elimination of toxins. Burdock stimulates the digestive system, purifies the blood, and restores liver and gallbladder function.
Red Clover Powder to suppress the appetite and purify the blood
Slippery Elm Bark Powder to soothe the mucous membranes of the bowel and facilitate a healthier colon.
Component 5: A Green Superfood medley provides minerals, digestive aids, and ingredients that are missing from all processed foods. Until now it was tough to get these nutrients unless you grew your own vegetables. The medley includes:
Organic Alfalfa Grass Powder to provide nutrition. Alfalfa is one of the most mineral-rich foods known and contains high amounts of the beneficial nutrient chlorophyll.
Spirulina Powder to provide microalgae and nutrients no other grain, herb, or plant can. These include gamma linoleic acid (GLA), linoleic and arachidonic acids, vitamin B12 (especially needed by vegetarians for healthy red blood cells), Broccoli Stalk Powder to provide chlorophyll and other nutrients
Component 6: Chamomile Flower Powder aids digestion and relieves stress and anxiety.
Additional Ingredients:
A blend of vitamins: Vitamin B-3 as Niacin Powder,
Vitamin B-6 as pyridoxine HCL, and
Vitamin B-12 as cyanocobalamin.
Each of these contributes to healthy digestion and is necessary for the optimum absorption of fats and protein.
In all parts of my practice, I've always emphasized the safety and effectiveness of my treatment. I had both in mind as I developed this powerful product. As I said before, Healthy Slim 365 includes: >>one of the most effective, clinically proven natural appetite suppressants available. Research studies have shown that Caralluma Fimbriata suppresses your appetite without dangerous or inconvenient side effects.
>>all beneficial and necessary nutrients you need even when you're eating less.
>>green foods and enzymes and detoxification to improve the digestion of the food that you do eat, allowing your body to absorb only the nourishment it needs and to send everything else harmlessly (and weightlessly) away.
Just imagine what a relief it is to have a
desire to eat less, to know you won't be depleting your body of nutrients, to get rid of unwanted toxins AND
add healthy bacteria to your colon so your digestive tract can work at its
peak level of performance. Dr. W's Healthy Slim 365 addresses Healthy Slim 365 that cause over 60% of Americans to be heavier than their ideal weight. And it's all in one pill. In my quest for an effective weight loss product, I never imagined I'd discover a way to help my patients achieve ideal, healthy, natural weight loss by just taking one or two capsules a day.
But I did. And now I'd like to offer it to you.
You Might Be Asking, "Dr. Weaver, How Much Of An Investment Does A Super Pill Like Dr. W's Healthy Slim 365 Require?" With all of these functions in one pill, you may be thinking it could easily cost hundreds of dollars a month. And it could. Perhaps it really should. But I've got some
great news for you.
Remember the scientist I told you about? He's so excited about this product concept he's willing to manufacture this supplement at a lower price than usual. Why? Because he too is worried about obesity epidemic in this country. He's seen first hand how devastating being obese can be. He wants to do his part to help Americans become slimmer and healthier. So we've come up with a price you can easily afford.
One note: I only want you to use it if it works for you. So not only am I going to provide it to you for a favorable price, I'm throwing in a risk-free, money-back guarantee.
Instead of paying the usual retail price of $79.99 for a month's supply, you can get your very own 30 day to 6-Month supply for very special pricing. Click the order button now to see the special deals that are available…
Remember: You are getting 6 highly-effective products in 1
I urge you to work with me to set yourself up for SUCCESS rather than failure and get out of the negative cycle that's kept your waist expanding and your energy and self-esteem plummeting.
(You'll EASILY be saving $100 or more off your grocery bill each month with the powerful appetite suppressant, so Healthy Slim 365 will actually SAVE you money over the long run, not cost you money.)
Haven't yet made up your mind? Let me help. I want you to be able to experience what my years of research on your behalf have produced. I WANT it to
work for you, and I want you to be completely satisfied. If Dr. W's Healthy Slim 365 doesn't live up to your expectations, I INSIST you contact me for a
full refund. And because it was for YOUR BENEFIT that I applied my medical expertise and years of experience to develop this product, I insist as well you keep the free bonuses that came along with this product. Keep them, use them,
discover the true and ideal
you. |
Where Can We Ship Your First Supply? Click the order button below to select your product
Why not take me up on this limited-time, money back guaranteed offer and get to work getting rid of those pounds and getting back into the clothes you love? And please, keep in mind that losing weight will still be hard work, which is why you need all the help you can get. It's also why I've worked so hard to find you the best, safest, healthiest help that science and nature have to offer.
Now that this product is available, there should be nothing stopping you from claiming your success.
Claim it. Lose the pounds. Find your true shape again. I congratulate you for your success to come.
Dr. Seymour Weaver, III
Founder, Doctors Formula 365, LLC

PS - If you're like many of my patients, you'll find that once you've experienced life with Healthy Slim 365, you won't want to go back to the your old life, the one with the yo-yo cycle, the feelings of low energy and sluggishness and not fitting into your clothes. Why wait to transform your body into one you love? You deserve to be your best!
Click here
learn about the special time limited offers currently available
PPS - Order your personal supply of Healthy Slim 365 with Caralluma Fimbriata plus Energy Booster + Green Superfoods + Probiotic + Detoxification Ingredients all in one supplement. To get started,
Click Here Now.
The statements made in this promotion have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. (The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products.) This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. As individuals differ, so will their results.
As you can see this is a powerful product formulation that does a lot to help you overcome many of the factors that make weight loss difficult. It also provides you with nutrients to meet your requirements for minerals and vitamins even though you are eating less. It also provides green foods and enzymes and detoxification to improve the digestion of the food that you do eat so that your body only absorbs the nourishment it needs and every thing else is sent away. It also includes one of the most effective natural appetite suppressants available that has been clinically proven in research studies to suppress appetite without side effects.
Just imagine what a relief it is to have a desire to eat less, avoid depleting your body of nutrients, get rid of unwanted toxins and add healthy bacteria to the colon so your digestive tract can work the way nature planned it. All of these are part of the factors that cause over 60% of Americans to be overweight.
And now, you can address all of these concerns by just taking one or two capsules a day.
Weight loss,lose weight,dieting,Healthy slim 365,Dr Seymour Weaver,Diet pills Houston